
Loner on the bench

Something has come to my attention these past few months that I need to discuss it with the cyber world.

No one sits by me.


If you see me in class, you will see that I am the only one sitting on that row with no one in front of, or behind me.

In church, I sit down on the long middle pew watching as all of the other benches fill up around me. People are more willing to crowd onto a bench already full than sit by me. Even today, I sit down on the very edge of the middle pew and wait for Bart to come back before sacrament meeting starts. He barely gets there in time and as he is sitting down he asked, "do you have a disease? Because no one is sitting here and it is kind of funny walking in here to see every bench filled up and you are sitting here all by yourself." What happened to all of those lessons we have had about befriending the loser who sits by herself? Clearly that one needs to be taught again. I know what you are thinking, "Megan, why don't you just go sit by someone first?" Well, because I get there before anyone else.

It's not like this happens every once in a while either. It is EVERY week in church, and EVERY day in class.

Do I smell?

Granted, it's not like I really like people very much so I am not necessarily offended when this happens, but I am curious. Would I talk to someone in class if they sat down right next to me? Probably not...but that isn't the point here.

 The point is this: I am the ultimate person to send early to an event to save seats.

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