
Dear Customer,

After a long week at work last week and another long day today, I have some updated issues I would like to share with the general public.

Dear 14-19 year old boys. 

You smell. Your hair smells. You smell so bad I have to change capes as soon as you get out of my chair. Why don't you shower? and if you are showering, which I find hard to believe, then why don't you use soap? Or deodorant after you get out? It's nasty. I feel bad for the girl you are taking to Jr. Prom this weekend because you obviously have no sense of cleanliness whatsoever.

Dear men of all ages,

If my clippers can't get through the 5 pounds of gel in your hair than maybe you should let me wash it. What is so wrong with having your hair washed? it actually feels really good and can spare us both the pain of having to comb all of that Sh#$ out. I am all for having your hair look nice throughout the day, but if you insist on using half of the bottle on your head, at least go wash it out before you come get your hair cut. It's a bad sign when I am dropping combs every 3 minutes because my hands are so slimy from your gel. My hands, scissors and clippers don't appreciate it.

Dear parents,

I have said this a million times and I will say it a million more. My station is not a freaking playground. Your child is not welcome in my space. Your child is not okay pumping my chair up and down and touching all of my stuff. Why do you think this is okay? It's not like I come over to your house and start touching everything I can get my hands on. Teach your children some damn manners, and get them away from me and my stuff. No one else thinks your child is cute besides you and your immediate family. If they say they do, they are either lying, or haven't had to deal with said child for more than 15 minutes.

Dear guys who think they have really cool hair,

You don't. Your hair cut is not original. I have already done at least 6 other ones exactly like it today. You explain it to me like it came to you in a dream and it may be impossible to recreate. It's not. Your hair style is not original so please stop thinking you are so dang cool....because you're not, and yes, I know how to cut it.

Dear coupon users,

No you can not use multiple coupons at one time. If that was possible, we would end up owing YOU money most of the time, so don't ask. No you can't use the same coupon for multiple people, if that were the case, we would just apply that to everyone and it would no longer be considered a coupon. Yes we do look at the expiration date. I know you were hoping we wouldn't notice, but we aren't stupid...nice try.

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