The gym is a blogger's paradise.
There is a guy there that wears a jersey everyday with no shirt underneath and has bleached spikey hair because apparently no one told this poor dude that the 90's are over.
Tonight there was also this stupid lady who comes right over and changes the channel I am watching, okay fine, she didn't know I was watching it, but the problem I have is that the channel she changes it to is playing on the TV right next to the one I was watching. And the kicker? SHE CHANGED IT TO TENNIS. Seriously? Tennis? Tennis is stupid to watch, not to mention watching it on TWO TV's at the gym is stupid. This isn't your home theater lady, you can't just change all the TV's to the shittiest channel just because YOU want to watch it. You have no idea how upset I was. It was embarrassing how upset I was, and the fact that I am still upset and blogging about it is also potentially embarrassing.
Bottom line? like I have said before, people at the gym are crazy.
Moving on,
Bart and I were watching a cheaply made documentary about the drug problem in Utah County, aka Happy Valley and all I have to say is that people need to get over themselves. This one guy was talking about how his sister moved to California because she was "sick of being judged" well ya know what lady? I feel sorry for you, I feel sorry that you let other people dictate your life. I promise not very many people care what you are doing -good or bad- so stop flattering yourself into thinking that everything you do or don't do is being scrutinized by the neighbors.
You are being what my dad calls a rock.
You are letting things happen to you, and acting on you, instead of acting on them.