
I hate today and it's only 9 a.m.

The U and I are not getting along.

Monday I drove up to campus for the first time by myself, taking lots of wrong turns and finally ending up where I need to be. Pick up my U Card (Picture is hideous of course) and then go to the financial office to see why my aid hasn't gone through yet. The boy at the desk who needed a hair cut and talked too fast said my status is "recently married" so I have to do 3409834 things before they will get my aid through.

Me: What about my classes getting dropped?

Stupid front desk kid: Well you are for sure going to want to make sure that doesn't happen

(yeah no shit dude.)

Me: Yeah, so how do I do that?

Stupid front desk kid: Well you can go to the tuition office after you hand in those 3409834 things and blah blah blah blah (insert terms and words and phrases I don't understand here).

Okay so I leave, I come back today for my math placement exam (I freaking hate math by the way and not because I suck at it, but because it has become virtually impossible to enroll in a damn class. It should NOT be this hard. I haven't taken math for over 4 years but that doesn't mean you are going to stick me into the class that I took when I was in 10th grade.)

Anyway, I take that test, and yep you guessed it, didn't get into the one high enough I need. So I checked to see when the class I can get into was being offered and of course it's like monday-friday from 11-1230. Seriously? Every. single. freaking. day. at that time? Thanks but I would like to be able to take other classes this semester too.

Moving on

I came with what I thought was everything I needed to get my Financial Aid in order but no, of course I didn't have everything. Of course they need a copy of my marriage license because ya know the fact that I have already changed my name through every government organization including social security isn't proof enough that I actually got married.

This has become the biggest pain in my ass and I am NOT driving up here again today for this. In fact, I am going to go home and lay by the pool all day because I am pissed and officially done trying to make this whole University of Utah thing work (for today).

Oh, and BUCK FYU for giving me a $50 parking ticket yesterday. 

1 comment:

  1. LOL, I didn't like the U. I went for one semester. I love Weber-father to drive but so worth it.



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