
Rain, Sex Perverts and Stupid People

It's raaaaaaaaaaining
Luckily I have my trusty rain boots to keep my toesies (yes that's a word) warm.
I was walking down the stairs as I got onto campus and BAM this is what I saw. Pretty isn't it!

I have class in an hour and a half and I think there are things I need to be doing but since I played hooky for the most part on Thursday (shhhhh don't tell) I don't really know what I should have done to prepare for this class. But let's be honest here, this class is kind of a waste of time. It's called the History of Sexuality in America and it's just an awesome lesbian professor (seriously, she is one of my favorites of all time, not because she's a lesbian, but because she's awesome and who knows, maybe those two things are connected) talking about lots of different things that will never really do me any good in the "real world" However, it is fun to just sit there and be entertained by the subject matter and the one presenting it. We just finished talking about Sex Perverts and the Sexual Psychopaths of the 1950's. Fascinating I know.

So anyway, my blog has been pretty lame lately hasn't it? I don't really know why because it's not like I have been so crazy busy with no time to come up with anything, it's just that I have nothing to write about....except my coworkers, which I am torn about writing about because what if they find this very secret blog of mine? (no, I am not friends with any of them on facebook) but still, I am concerned. If I did allow myself to write about them then I would have plenty to say. Instead, I am just going to say a few things that may or may not relate directly back to my coworkers...

 I really hate it when people say things like "I don't mean to be rude but.." or " I don't mean to be annoying but..." Actually, you do. This is exactly what you mean to be or you wouldn't say it. what you really should say is "I am too concerned about what people think about me and even though I am a bitch and have my opinions I am too insecure to own them so I am going to try to sugar coat EVERYTHING I say so you will still like me." Well guess what, I don't like you, so you can just say whatever you want to say and our relationship dynamics probably aren't going to change. mmmmmk?

Nextly, if someone has an extreme passion about something, who am I to say that they need to stop talking about it? It's not my job, and it's not the job for anyone else. There may or may not be this person who talks about her cats ALL THE TIME. I don't really have a problem with this person (who may or may not exsist) she is all alone, has no family or anything else. She has her cats, and yes, that is all she talks about, but it really bothers me when someone tells me that I need to talk to her and tell her to talk about other things. Sorry honey, but that's not my job. If you have a problem with it, grow some balls and tell her yourself or shut the hell up. No one tells you to change the topic when you talk about your life, so why should be expect her to do it?

Finally, if you have a set of problems in your life, you do NOT need to share them with the whole world every chance you get. You also don't need to share them with your coworker you have known for a month. Honestly, no one wants to hear about drug addictions, alcohol issues, eating disorders or sexual abuse within the first months of knowing someone. I have people who I love that have had to deal with all of these things, that's not my point. My point is that you don't need to tell someone you work with your whole life story early on....TMI

p.s. It's November!!! Let the fun begin.

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