
All by my lonesome

So ya know that class I'm in with the really smart professor who gets annoyed when you ask for things like study guides and then when he does give you a study guide it's two days before the exam in 10 pt font and THREE PAGES LONG?? ya, that class. Well I took said exam and KICKED ASS.

To be fair, he gave us 2 hours and it was an online open book-open note test. I finished it in an hour so I'm pretty sure anyone with half a brain and a desire to pass could have done it. That being said, I thought I have done well before on his stupid quizzes and end up getting 5 out of 10 so....I will let you know the actual test results when I get them.....which won't be for a while because he's "busy".

Also, high school football really really really needs to be over because I am pretty pathetic on Friday nights. I don't like going to Varsity games by myself because they're late and loud and past my bedtime. I usually just stay home.....and do nothing.....for HOURS. Two more weeks and Bart is free! (because let's be honest, his team isn't going to make it past the regular season)

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