Fall 2009.
USU 1350-Integrated Life Science. Grade: B-
Another USU required class with too many people and not enough dedication on my end. I've never been good at science and this class was no exception. What does Integrated Life Science even mean?? It's a stupid name.
Spring 2012.
COMM 4610-Magazine Writing. Grade: A
I would call myself a writer. I wrote news for Utah State's paper for years. That was of little help to me in this class. This class was all about creating images in the reader's mind. Using your own opinion and voice to tell a story. I don't have to use my own voice in news stories. My opinion isn't ALLOWED in news stories. News stories was all I knew...so this class was a challenge. My professor was a young guy who was the head of some new-age hipster magazine. He was pretty cool and I enjoyed our assignments.
I learned how to write
Reviews and my favorite homework assignment ever was writing a
(Side note...if you're writing a How-To...don't include How-To in the title.) Once I caught on that magazine writing is kind of like writing in my blog just more refined I started to enjoy myself. My final assignment was somewhat of a disaster because I wrote about sex education and let's be honest...that's a boring subject.
I've always loved to write and this class taught me how to be a better writer. I wouldn't be apposed to writing for a magazine one day...
Spring 2011.
JCOM 2220-Intro to Video Media.
Grade: A-
Let's be honest...the likelihood of a class sucking when it has the word "intro" in the title is pretty high. Intro classes are meant to teach you the basics but they usually end up being a boring way to spend a few hours and a few thousand dollars in college. I think some classes are made to weed out the kids who don't plan on taking their choice of major seriously. I would say this class was one of them. Taught by an 90 year old who was use to working with ancient equipment and refused to accept the new technology...this class was a train wreck...but I still learned something. (
Funny how that works isn't it?) Looking back on some old blog posts...here are a few things I learned:
1. When you download something, that means you are taking all of
the information that is jumbled up, and organizing it into the sequence
it should be in
2. On the other hand, when you are "streaming" something, the
information is being put in order as you go along so if it is
"buffering" the information hasn't gotten there yet.
3. If you speak into a microphone the audio focus is on that person. If the microphone is further away it will make the listener feel like they are now listening to someone's conversation instead of being talked to directly.