I am bored with my blog. Therefore, I googled blogging ideas (of course!) And I came across one that might be fun even though I don't totally understand the rules. Basically the gist of it is talk about something/s that begin with whatever letter of the alphabet you're on. I don't plan on doing this every day because then they just get boring but whenever I am in a funk, I will rely back to my Alphabet challenge..should be fun!
I do have something to say tonight though.
I wrote an article about
"unplugged" week. Basically a week where the academic senators at our school want students to
unplug from Facebook and other distracting tech/web stuff and focus on school for
the entire week. They go off about how it is unhealthy how people are addicted to facebook and all that good stuff. Then, i watched a show on
NBC about the
facebook phenomenon. I have a few things to say about all of this.
1. I think it is cool they want to get students to try to unplug. I am going to try to not get on
facebook the entire week (even though I will probably be posting my blogposts on
facebook, but I technically never enter the site so it isn't cheating?). I think it will be
fun to not be one and
realize just how much I use it every day. I wouldn't say I am obsessed or dependant on it but I do check it throughout the day, even if it is for a few minutes each time. So that should be interesting, I will let you know how it goes.
2. this whole
facebook phenomenon thing, what facebook has done to the world is pretty dang cool. I mean having that many people get on the same site as everyone else,
multiple times a day/week is pretty impressive. I watched a lot of people complain about
facebook and the best part was they all had it too.
There was even a facebook group about protesting against facebook. how ridiculous is that?? Lets just all accept that
facebook is a part of everyone's lives.
There was a lady on this show talking about how she
lost her job because of the things she was posting on
facebook- she was a teacher and kept posting things about how she hated her school and the students
blah blah blah- she said she thought she was talking to her
friends but word got out and the school asked her to resign
...well no duh lady, if you go blabbing about how you hate your job and talk smack on the 12 year olds you teach your bosses probably aren't going to like you very much.
Facebook didn't get you fired,
your immaturity did.
That's another thing, people cry about the privicy issues on
facebook. I have a reality check for you out there,
everything you put on the internet, including your e-mail and social networking sites, are avaliable to people who really want them. There are ways to get to your information, that is just the way it is. Of course
facebook is going to want you to be as public as possible, but that
doesn't mean they make you. You have full control over your privicy settings. If you dont' want people looking at your profile you can have that setting. All it takes is a little
proactiveness from you to go find out where those settings are. Don't blame
facebook for exposing your world if you are stupid enough to put every single little detail about you.
Internet rule 101: keep personal information private, don't just go blabbing everything about yourself to the whole world. it's stupid, and not
facebook's fault.
While doing an interview for my story though I was talking to one of the academic senators and we were discussing how funny our vocabulary has gotten. It is no longer,
hey did you call that girl? It is,
hey did you facebook her? It's funny, and I am not dissing on it because I do it too, we ALL do it. If you tell me you don't use
facebook to check up on your friends I would call you a
That's the thing though, it's just normal. We use to have land lines where you had to memorize every single phone number and address books were cool. Now we have cell phones and I don't know Bart or my mom's number. Times change, why do people just assume it isn't for the better? Speaking of change, I am going to switch subjects here for a second
Bart and I are trying to find songs for our recpetion and so of course I had to pull out all of my old CD's. They were way in the back of my trunk, forgotten and somewhat useless...until I started listening to them.
These CD's "date back" as far as 8th grade, that's 2004 people, (i think). I could still sing every song, and every song has a different memory attached to it. I almost feel weird playing a song from a CD my boyfriend gave me when I was 16. It's fun though, it's fun to sit back and sing along and just remember. I wouldn't say I loved those days, especially back then, but now I can look back fondly and just laugh at the music choices we thought were cool. It is going to be so weird to have to explain to my children that I use to have CD's. I don't want to throw them away because I know they are going to be such a foreign object to them. So here I am, sitting in my living room uploading CD's to go on my Ipod because you better beilive these songs are too good to be forgotten again.