
Dishing it out, because I can take it

I think I speak for a lot of people when I say we (the newspaper) are not out to personally attack people. Honestly, when the work day is over, it's not like we are thinking of ways to make you look bad. If you are doing something stupid, it is our job to let everyone else know. If you don't like that, maybe you shouldn't be in a higher position than the average student.

Some people do not understand how a newspaper works, including the opinions page.

Here is how the opinion page works: We (the editors) and You (the readers) can say whatever the hell we/you want. We are not claiming it is fact, based on fact, or even a little true. That's not what the opinion page is for. We publish letters to the editor all the time about people rambling on about how we all suck at our job so yes, once in a while, we are going to ramble on about how you suck at yours.

Don't dish it out if you can't take it.

I think I am going to be okay next year because I don't really care if I have friends. I am not necessarily looking for new friends. I don't really care if anyone likes me....kapeesh?

So just so you know, if there is news next year, we will be covering it. If ASUSU messes up, we will cover it. If ASUSU does something amazing we will cover it. If the Greeks do something stupid, we will cover it. If the Greeks do something great, we will cover it. If a couple kids decide to smoke pot and get caught, we will cover it, and yes, if they are 18+ their names will be published.

Have any of you ever read a newspaper? It's a journalist's job to follow the government and point out all of their flaws. If you don't like that, don't be in some position of power. You say that we are not fair or balanced but here is what I think: I think you don't even read the paper 85% of the time. I would guess that the only time you pick up the paper is when you heard from one of your friends that something negative is published. Obviously it is going to look like we only bash certain institutions IF YOU ONLY READ THE ISSUES WHERE WE ARE BASHING CERTAIN INSTITUTIONS.

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