
D: dogs

I think I have made it very clear that I hate two things

Dogs and roommates

so of course, my roommate comes to my room tonight asking if she can get a dog

HELL NO is what I told her in so many words.

I am allergic to dogs, and I hate them.  Apparently my landlord said it was up to me because I have been here the longest. I dont think she thought I would say no because who doesnt like puppies?!?!?! ME. 

I hate them. 
They whine, they shit all over the place, they smell, they bark, they smell, they bite and there is no way in hell I am living with one. 

Can I get a dog?

No. I am alergic

But it is so cute and small and I will only keep it in my room

You are going to leave a dog in your room all day? Wont he hate that?

Oh no, it's really small so they dont need to do anything (um hello, i dont even like dogs and I think that is mean to just leave it in a room all day long seeing as how this girl is never home)

Well I am allergic so no

Even if I just keep it in my room?

Yes, even if you keep it in your closet size room I am still allergic. Its fur will get in the air and circulate through all of the vents, and how are you going to get it to your room? Because just bringing it into the house will make me sick.

Well I am getting a really good deal on him and I am picking him up tomorrow

Well I dont know what to tell you because no matter what you say I am still allergic. I am moving out in a month or so, just wait until then because there is no way you are bringing a dog into this house if I still live here.

Well then he wont be for sale

Then store it at your parents house

They wont let me

Well.....I guess you are just SOL then arent you?

This girl is so stupid. If I come home to anything with 4 legs in my house I will personally take it and drop it off in the middle of the street, and then go yell at my landlord. This poor girl had no idea she moved in with the one person in this whole wide world who is heartless enough to hate puppies.

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